About Us

RiansDeal is a publication house that publishes unbiased & authentic reviews and buying guides on Home Appliances, Kitchen Appliances, and consumer electronic products.

We believe in educating our audiences on different technological terms of products. Thus we have a knowledge base section too. We review products so that you don’t have to go here and there to find the best product that aligns with your requirement. We try to make your shopping experience right and easy.

Our product reviews are completely unbiased and we never publish nor will publish or suggest any product to our audience that we don’t feel is up to the standard. Yeah, we earn some commission when we refer a product and you buy that. But we only promote those products that are genuine, have quality, and meet the demand of our audiences.

We never outsource our review articles and thus you will find personal touch and experiences in our articles. You can always count on us as one of you who is experiencing the product before you buy the product. We never force anyone to buy our recommended product.

We run RiansDeal out of our passion and will continue to do so even though we may run into losses in running a blog of this size. For us, quality and audience satisfaction are more important than any monetary benefit.

In contrast, we at RiansDeal don’t recruit any content writers nor do we outsource our articles. That is why we could able to give you authentic information as we are just one of you.

Do you know, Big publication houses have hundreds of content writers who write sponsored articles to promote sub-standard products? You will realize that when you buy their recommended products. Do you want to fall into their trap? The decision is yours.

We don’t review products to influence audiences, but we write to add value to their life. We write so that our audiences can take an informed and better decision while making a purchase.

RiansDeal was started during the summer of 2020, and within a short span of time, we have established ourselves as one of the best appliances review sites in India